
Current Version

Each of the packages above is a distributable rpm or deb package. Download it and install using your package management utilities.  After installing, execute /usr/sbin/ms-configure to begin the configuration process. Not using ms-configure will more than likely leave you with an incomplete or broken installation (Generic *nix systems will still need to use the tarball with instead).

Change Log
The Change Log lists all the updates, additions, fixes and other changes that have happened to MailScanner.
Complete Source
MailScanner on Github contains the complete source for the entire package including package build scripts.

MailScanner GUIs

eFa Project
eFa is a community based product that utilizes the MailScanner engine. eFa is maintained by Shawn Iverson, who is currently the primary developer of the MailScanner project.

Supported operating systems: CentOS

Mailborder is the open source project sponsor of MailScanner. Mailborder is an enterprise email gateway that previously used the MailScanner engine, but now uses a newer engine based on PHP. Mailborder was created by Jerry Benton, the owner of the MailScanner project.

Supported operating systems: Ubuntu

MailWatch provides a logging mechanism and monitoring GUI. It does not provide automated installation or configuration of MailScanner.

Supported operating systems: All MailScanner supported operating systems

Baruwa is a commercial implementation of MailScanner. Baruwa is maintained by Andrew Colin Kissa.

Supported operating systems: Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS